




I am trying to create the following layout:

an HTML file with a body, that has a certain width, and a frame, that fills the rest, so, more or less like this:

<frameset cols="150px,*">
<frame src="source.html" />

The thing is, I need the body to have a certain width, not wider, but I also need its elements to be free to move OUTSIDE the body, over the frame, without creating a scrollbar. And I really need the body to be of limited width and the frame to fill the rest.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Okay, I will try to rephrase my problem. What I need, is something that I can put in to the frameset, that is like a border, BUT that is rendered on the main page, and not from a source, something where I can write directly and whose elements can overlap the other frame. I have tried using


but to no avail...