



Hello everybody, I'm working on a modal window, and I want to make the function as reusable as possible. Said that, I want to set a few anchor tags with a class equals to "modal", and when a particular anchor tag is clicked, get its Id and pass it to a function that will execute another function based on the Id that was passed. This is what I have so far:

// this gets an array with all the elements that have a class equals to "modal"
var anchorTrigger = document.getElementsByClassName('modal'); 

Then I tried to set the addEventListener for each item in the array by doing this:

var anchorTotal = anchorTrigger.length;
for(var i = 0; i < anchorTotal ; i++){
    anchorTrigger.addEventListener('click', fireModal, false);

and then run the last function "fireModal" that will open the modal, like so:

function fireModal(){
    //some more code here ...

My problem is that in the "for" loop, I get an error saying that anchorTrigger.addEvent ... is not a function. I can tell that the error might be related to the fact that I'm trying to set up the "addEventListener" to an array as oppose to individual elements, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 
Thank you very much, that works like a charm.
Juan C. Rois