




It seems that the following is to deep for the debugger in Qt even though the program uses it without problem

typedef QMap <int, QStringList> day2FileNameType;
typedef QMap <int, day2FileNameType> month2day2FileNameType;
typedef QMap <int, month2day2FileNameType> year2month2day2FileNameType;

year2month2day2FileNameType y2m2d2f;

now the first 2 typeDefs work okay with the debugger but the third one retrieving data for watch view (over 100 pending request)

Is it wrong for me to try and use such a typedef as year2month2day2FileNameType?

+1  A: 

I don't even use QT (although I do use gdb), but if you google 'gdb typdef', you get A LOT of hits like this one:


So if what you say is true, that the program, unchanged, runs when you use the same structure minus the typdefs, I would assume that this is, in fact, a bug. Maybe this one (or something similar) applies to your code:


thanks for the link, what I meant is that the program itself runs fine but when I want to inspect a value inside this data type the GDB crashes. But you gave me an idea, I probably could have better succes without the typedef, gonna try it.
yan bellavance