



I'm having trouble porting a simple game I developed for the iPhone over to Android. The game has an animated ball which moves from Point A to Point B. The user must touch the ball before it reaches point B or lose the game. This was easy to implement on the iPhone using Core Animation since I could locate the current position of the ball by accessing its animation layer. In Android, I attempted to recreate the game using tweened animation and represented the ball as a Drawable. My issue is that I can't determine if the user is touching the spot because the Drawable apparently bounds do not update as the ball visually moves - making the program think the ball is always in its original position. While searching these forums I saw an Android team dev. confirm that you can't get the current location in a tweened animation but offered no solution for a workaround. Can I accomplish this on the Android using my current approach? If not, what approach should I use? Best regards, Michael


Can I accomplish this on the Android using my current approach?

I doubt it. Android's tweened animations are not really designed for games.

If not, what approach should I use?

Implement the game using 2D drawing on the Canvas -- see the LunarLander sample in your SDK.
