



If I use magic methods. While using reflection API, I can't investigate class properties.. Why is it so?


What is Reflection API? pls do not refer me i didnt understood that.. guide me in your words plsss

+1  A: 

Using magic methods to access properties, those properties will generally not be present in the class' definition.

Your class' definition will generally look like this :

class MyClass {
    private $data;
    public function __get($name) {
        return $this->data[$name];
    public function __set($name, $value) {
        $this->data[$name] = $value;

As there is no real properties -- there is on only a $data array, which will be used by the magic methods __get an __set as a big data-store -- those cannot be seen by the Reflection API.

That's one of the problems caused by using magic methods : they are used to access properties (or methods, with __call) which are not there -- and the Reflection API can only see what's there.

Reversing and asking the key word "Reflecton API" whats that basically used for.. and y it does not do what u have specified above?
OM The Eternity