Hi guys, new here and new with cocoa. (not so good with english)
I have 2 windows one is the header [mainWindow] (setMovableByWindowBackground:YES) and the other is the content [secWindow], child of the header, the header have a button to hide the content.
[mainWindow addChildWindow:secWindow ordered:NSWindowBelow];
[mainWindow setMovableByWindowBackground:YES];
code to hide secWindow:
(IBAction) toggleSecondary: (id) sender;
if ([secWindow isVisible]) {
[secWindow orderOut:self];
} else {
[secWindow orderFront:self];
the problem is when a push the button, all app hide, Main and Sec windows and only need to hide the [secWindow].
This app was develop for another team, now is in my hands... Any advice will be well received.