




I am refactoring some MFC code that is littered with ASSERT statements, and in preparation for a future Linux port I want to replace them with the standard assert. Are there any significant differences between the two implementations that people know of that could bite me on the backside?

Similarly, I have also come across some code that uses ATLASSERT which I would also like to replace.

+2  A: 

Replace them with your own assertion macro. That's how you get the most benefit out of it (logging, stack trace, etc.)

Carl Seleborg
+3  A: 

No. The MFC version just includes an easy to debug break point.

+1  A: 

I would recommend either using your own macro, or #define's for the linux compilation. There's no compelling reason to give up any extra helpfulness on the Windows side (eg: built-in breakpoint), and no compelling reason to change a lot of code when some simple compatibility #define's will suffice.
