



how to do thread in matlab? i want to run one function on two variables simulatniosly how to do it?

+5  A: 

The parallel toolbox has some tools that might help you. Find below some example pasted from the Matlab help

matlabpool    % Use default parallel configuration
spmd          % By default uses all labs in the pool
    INP = load(['somedatafile' num2str(labindex) '.mat']);
    RES = somefun(INP);

Then the values of RES on the labs are accessible from the client as RES{1} from lab 1, RES{2} from lab 2, etc.

You might also look at parfor as a simple parallel replacement of for. Hope this helps even if it's not exactly what you're looking for.

+1  A: 

I do not believe there is any built in multithreading support from MATLAB. This comes from both a conversation I had with a coworker recently and a quick google search

Hope this helps.

Yes. It is one of the problems with using Matlab to produce production apps.
More and more of Matlab's native functions are multi-threaded with each new release to take advantage of multi-core CPUs. But the whole philosophy of tools like Matlab is against giving users hands-on access to threads and the like.
High Performance Mark
From the Matlab help: There is either "implicit multiprocessing" which makes use of built in multi-threaded functions or "explicit multiprocessing" for which you have to use the parallel computing toolbox.