



I'm writing a small piece of software that is to insert records into a database used by a commercial application. The unique primary keys (ids) in the relevant table(s) are sequential, but does not seem to be set to "auto increment". Thus, I assume, I will have to find the largest id, increment it and use that value for the record I'm inserting.

In pseudo-code for brevity:

id = select max(id) from some_table
insert into some_table values(id, othervalues...)

Now, if another thread started the same transaction before the first one finished its insert, you would get two identical ids and a failure when trying to insert the last one. You could check for that failure and retry, but a simpler solution might be setting an isolation level on the transaction. For this, would I need SERIALIZABLE or a lower level?

Additionally, is this, generally, a sound way of solving the problem? Are the any other ways of doing it?

+1  A: 

Hope this helps

+2  A: 

One way of doing it would be to merge your first two lines into the insert statement:

INSERT INTO Some_Table VALUES ((Select Max(id) + 1 from Some_Table),Othervalues...)


INSERT INTO Some_Table SELECT, Othervalues FROM (select max(id)+1 from Some_Table) st2

Otherwise, what you really want to do is lock this up in a transaction and prevent someone else from reading in that first line, and ending up with duplicate ID's... But by blocking reads, you open up a larger can of worms.

In other systems, I've seen a table used that stored the max keys - that way you could just lock the max_keys table when incrementing and your problem goes away - but sounds like you are stuck with the vendor's table structure.

Bob Palmer
Your first suggestion seems to be the simplest solution. Are these kind of statements atomic and thus absolutely thread-safe?
Knut Arne Vedaa
I'm not sure if your edit made sense...? At least I don't understand the syntax...and the first version worked. :)
Knut Arne Vedaa
Rolled it back and included both since the first version worked for you :)
Bob Palmer

try this (using SQL Server syntax):

INSERT INTO some_table 
        (id, othervalues...)
        ISNULL(max(id),0)+1, othervalues...
        from some_table WITH (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK)
        WHERE ...

We solved similar problem for usually sequential (but sometimes can be overwritten and not unique) document numbers using separate table. SQL idea:

Declare @docno Int
Begin Tran
Select @docno=lastval+1 From docnotable With(Updlock) Where doctype='xyz'
Update docnotable Set lastval=@docno Where doctype='xyz'
... do whatever you need ...
Commit Tran