



Is there a way to get pattern matching to match my value with any negative number? It does not matter what the negative number is I just need to match with any negative.

I have accomplished what I want with this simple code:
let y = if(n < 0) then 0 else n in
match y with
0 -> []
| _ -> [x] @ clone x (n - 1)

But I want to eliminate that if statement and just get it to check it as another case in the match statement


There is the keyword when. By head (I can't test right now)

let y = match n with | when n < 0 -> 0 | 0 -> [] | _ -> [x] @ clone x (n - 1)

However, even your example shouldn't work. As on one side you return an int, and on the other a list.

Tristram Gräbener
No, both paths in the match are lists. The `@` operator has the type `'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list`.
I think you are misunderstanding my code, the if statement is just an additional line of code to set the value for the match statement for when n is less than 0. It's just supposed to do the same thing as the 0 case and return an empty list.
Oh indeed! It was way too late for me to answer on SO yesterday...My bad :/
Tristram Gräbener
+6  A: 

Yes, use a guard:

match n with
    _ when n < 0 -> []
  | _ -> [x] @ clone x (n - 1)
Oh I see, I will have to go do some research on guards. Thanks!
+8  A: 

You can make your code a little cleaner like this:

match n < 0 with
| true -> []
| false -> [x] @ clone x (n - 1)

Even better would be:

if n < 0 then [] else [x] @ clone x (n - 1)

Generally, if statements are clearer than matches for simple logical tests.

While we're at it, we might as well use :: in place of @:

if n < 0 then [] else x :: clone x (n - 1)