You've hit upon a snag with using records.
Consider this code:
function Test: TTest;
Test.a := 1;
What your code looks like to the compiler is actually this:
TTest temp := Test;
temp.a := 1;
The compiler is telling you, with the error message, that the assignment is pointless, since it will only assign a new value to a temporary record value, which will be instantly forgotten.
Also, the @List[10]
is invalid because List[10]
again returns only a temporary record value, so taking the address of that record is rather pointless.
However, reading and writing the whole record is OK.
So to summarize:
List[10] := A; <- writing a whole record is OK
List[10].a:=1; <- List[10] returns a temporary record, pointless assignment
P:=@List[10]; <- List[10] returns a temporary record, its address is pointless