



I will soon have the need to purchase dedicated windows server hosting.

I'm looking for a higher quality of web hosting, so I am not adverse to spending more for a better/more reliable host.

I've heard some good things about RackSpace - anyone else have opinions of good hosts?
Again, quality is more key for me than price, but price does matter.


A: is good and have good pricing

+1  A: 

I have always found Rackspace excellent but they are expensive. They are often best if you are not going to be able to rely on IT Operations being available as an internal resource. I.e. when I was IT Manager for a small team and I was also IT Operations so having their backup was great.

Dedihosting in the UK have been good too. Slightly cheaper but not quite as high spec as Rackspace.

As a business case I was able to sell Rackspace as it meant we could hold off recruiting for a while and it certainly meant we had access to efficient, attentive and skilled staff 24/7 rather than me fiddling about not really understand all I should. For example when our site got caught by junk mail filters they put in place a few things straight away that cured it. That could have taken me 2 days.

I would guess some of the other providers are just as good however, I just don't have experience with many others. I have used donhost but they sound too "cheap" for you in that you are on your own to some extent (although 1/10th the price).

Thanks for the answer - I'm going to be needed dedicated hosting for a startup type environment, but am willing to spend a bit more to save time on my side. If you don't mind, around how much did RackSpace cost you? Donhost looks like a pretty good option as well.
Donhost starts for about £120 per month (inc VAT) for a basic webserver. With Rackspace I had 2 servers none load balanced (a risk we were prepared to take) and I think we paid £2K per month but we wanted only a 1 year contract at that time. As ever price is dependant on what you want.We used our 2 servers as one webserver and one db server with the ability to run both webserver and database on one server if required. The data we held didn't need to be real time though. Give them a call and get a quote, I found them very helpful, as ever negotiate hard though!!


this. __curious_geek
Do you use them? How's reliability/support with them?

Checkout One thing to watch out for is that very few of the cloud services provide any kind of backup solution other than file copy. They may say they do but be careful.


No complaints so far with .They are also the cheapest I know.

Max Toro