In C (or C++ for that matter), pointers are special if they have the value zero: I am adviced to set pointers to zero after freeing their memory, because it means freeing the pointer again isn't dangerous; when I call malloc it returns a pointer with the value zero if it can't get me memory; I use if (p != 0)
all the time to make sure passed pointers are valid etc.
But since memory addressing starts at 0, isn't 0 just as a valid address as any other? How can 0 be used for handling null pointers if that is the case? Why isn't a negative number null instead?
A bunch of good answers. I'll summarize what has been said in the answers expressed as my own mind interprets it and hope that the community will correct me if I misunderstand.
Like everything else in programming it's an abstraction. Just a constant, not really related to the address 0. C++0x emphasizes this by adding the keyword nullptr.
It's not even an address abstraction, it's the constant specified by the C standard and the compiler can translate it to some other number as long as it makes sure it never equals a "real" address, and equals other null pointers if 0 is not the best value to use for the platform.
In case it's not an abstraction, which was the case in the early days, the address 0 is used by the system and off limits to the programmer.
My negative number suggestion was a little wild brainstorming, I admit. Using a signed integer for addresses is a little wasteful if it means that apart from the null pointer (-1 or whatever) the value space is split evenly between positive integers that make valid addresses and negative numbers that are just wasted.
If any number is always representable by a datatype, it's 0. (Probably 1 is too, I think of the one-bit integer which would be 0 or 1 if unsigned, or just the signed bit if signed, or the two bit integer which would be [-2, 1]. But then you could just go for 0 being null and 1 being the only accessible byte in memory.)
Still there is something that is unresolved in my mind. This question tells me that even if 0 for null pointer is an abstraction, other pointer values aren't necessarily. This leads me to post another question: