i'm trying to include a maven java project into my android project. the maven project is the greader-unofficial project which allows developers access to google reader accounts, and handles all of the http transactions and URI/URL building, making grabbing feeds and items from google reader transparent to the developer. the project is available here:
the code is originally written for the standard jdk and uses classes from java.net that are not a part of the standard Android SDK. i actually tried to manually resolve all dependencies and ran into a problem when i got as far as including com.sun.syndication pieces required by the class be.lechtitseb.google.reader.api.util.AtomUtil.java... some of the classes in java.net that are in the standard jdk (i'm using 1.6) are not in the Android SDK. in addition, resolving all of these dependencies manually is just ridiculous when i'm compiling a maven project that should be pretty simple.
however, i can use maven to compile the sources with no issue. how can i include this maven project, which is dependent on the complete jdk, into my android project in such a way that it will compile so that i can access the GoogleReader class from my android project? and for the record, i don't have the expertise to rewrite this entire api to work with the standard Android SDK.