In my calendar I want to colour each event in a different colour. Is there currently a way to send to the full calendar, in the JSON it expects a value for a colour?
Seems I missed it the first time I read the manual:
I send for each day the following JSON:
"title":"Repeat 1,Day 1",
The important thing is the className and where the X is a number (depends on the CSS, see below).
And then in the CSS:
.fc-agenda .eventColor1 .fc-event-time,
.eventColor1 a {
background-color: green; /* background color */
border-color: green; /* border color */
color: yellow; /* text color */
.fc-agenda .eventColor2 .fc-event-time,
.eventColor2 a {
background-color: purple; /* background color */
border-color: purple; /* border color */
color: white; /* text color */
Itay Moav
2010-05-03 20:30:26