Is there a built in linux utility that I can use to test a newly compiled shared library for external undefined references? Gcc seems to be intelligent enough to check for undefined symbols in my own binary, but if the symbol is a reference to another library gcc does not check at link time. Instead I only get the message when I try to link to my new library from another program.
It seems a little silly to get undefined reference messages in a library when I am compiling a different project so I want to know if I can do a check on all references internal and external when I build the library not when I link to it.
Example error:
make -C UnitTests debug
make[1]: Entering directory `~/projects/Foo/UnitTests`
g++ [ tons of objects ] -L../libbar/bin -lbar -o UnitTests undefined reference to `DoSomethingFromAnotherLibrary`
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [~/projects/Foo/UnitTests] Error 1