



I am trying to change the class of objects created with a nib with the iPhone SDK.

The reason for this is; i dont know until runtime what the class is that i want the nib object to be (though they will have the same UIView based super class), and i dont want to create a different nib for every eventuality - as the .nib will be the same for each, apart from the class of one object.

I have been successful, with a couple of methods, but either have some knock on effects or am unsure of how safe the methods I have used are:

Method 1: Override alloc, on the super class and set a c variable to the class I require:

+ (id) alloc {
 if (theClassIWant) {
  id object = [theClassIWant allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()]; 
  theClassIWant = nil;
  return object;
 return [BaseClass allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()];

this works well, and i assume is 'reasonably' safe, though if have a nib with the correct class as the class identity in the Nib, or I alloc a subclass myself (without setting 'theClassIWant') - an object of the base class is created. I also dont really like the idea of overriding alloc...

Method 2: use object_setClass(self,theClassIWant) in initWithCoder (before calling initWithCoder on the super class):

- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
 if (theClassIWant) {

  // the framework doesn't like this:
  //[self release];  
  //self = [theClassIWant alloc];

  // whoa now! 

  theClassIWant = nil;
  return [self initWithCoder:aDecoder];

 if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {
  • this also works well, but not all the subclasses are necessarily going to be the same size as the super class, so this could be very unsafe! To combat this i tried releasing and re-allocing to the correct type within initWithCoder, but i got the following error from the framework:

    "This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder:"

dont quite get what this means! i am replacing an object in initWithCoder...

Any comments on the validity of these methods, or suggestions of improvements or alternatives welcome!


While I'm curious to see if you can pull this off using your approach, you may want to consider using custom placeholder objects.

Hi, I am using custom placeholder objects in these methods (as the super class is a custom placeholder object set in the nib). The problem is that I cannot set the class at runtime anywhere. It seems you can replace proxy objects with the options parameter in loadNibNamed:owner:options: but that does not help me with my view based objects...or am i missing something?
Nick H247