




I am developing a web application for iPhone safari browser.

There is one strange scenario:

  1. A web page is loaded.
  2. User can zoom out that web page to see the contents in zoomed out manner.
  3. There is one button in the web page.
  4. Click of this button will hide one of the 'div' in same page and another 'div' of that same page will be visible.

Problem, is that suppose the user has zoomed out the web page to see the contacts in zoomed out manner. Now, user clicks the button (the page is zoomed out only), the next 'div' which is get visible is also disaplayed in zoomed out manner.

What is want to do is that even if user has zoomed out the page and he clicks on the button, the next 'div' which get visible should have the display as zoomed in only.