



I am trying to use facebook API and some functions/objects used in tutorials are NOT defined in facebook.php (downloaded from Am I so silly or is there some other think I should know?

Thanks for help,



Because they have updated/changed their API recently, try browsing facebook developers section, you'll find the necessary changes there


Hey there, and welcome to SO! What probably happened is that the tutorial used old functions that aren't in the API any more and that have probably been replace by another one.

Henri Watson
Thanks a lot for the answer, but where can I get the newest API, the one I have was downloaded from facebook official site ( ?) this morning...

That's most probably because you are using old facebook client which does not have functions that are in the new php client such as streamPublish, etc. You need to download the latest facebook PHP client.

Tanks for answer, but I downloaded it an hour ago from official site ( Is there some other reliable site for download? I talk about object like api_client or function like require_login() etc...
@Roman: i am not sure whether the one at gitlub is new one and unfortunately, it is hard finding the latest version of it. I would suggest you to google about it.
Safraz, I spend the whole last night with google instead of my girlfriend :) But I dont give up! Thanks.
+1  A: 

Just for your attention: Facebook has changed its whole API structure last week, and their documentation is still in a state of transition.

Make sure you start out from to get only the new version of the API (it is much better than the old one, by the way).

Steffen Müller
Thanks a lot for the answer, I started at The API I have was downloaded from facebook official site ( ?) this morning... maybe they changed the site meanwhile...:)
Just to verify, you downloaded from ""? Maybe the functions/objects you tried to use are from the outdated API version? What do you want to accomplish?
Steffen Müller
Yes, that was the address I used for download. Probably, the tutorial was old, the downloaded api is probably the new one. I was trying to use non-existing object api_client or function require_login() ...
still there are issues with their examples, so you can't rely to much on them
Mihai Iorga