



In my MSI package I need to set user rights to a directory using cacls.exe. It works fine in an NTFS environment but fails when run on a Fat32 file system. Is there a method to determine the type of file system of the drive the software is installed to?

I'm using WiX 3 to create my MSI package but any hint pointing to the MSI database would help as well.

Many thanks in advance.


You could use a custom action preferably a dll, however a vbscript or bat file will work. in the custom action you can call the wmi root\cimv2\Win32_LogicalDisk\FileSystem property which returns the file system type. then your CA can return the file system type as a installer property.

Charles Gargent
I feared that I had to write a custom action. Thanks for your fast reply.
Careful with vbscript custom actions, they assume that the scripting host will be available. I've learned the hard way this isn't always the case. I would fire up the c compiler and do something like this: