



This summer I'm getting into UNIX (mostly *BSD) development. I've graduate level knowledge about operating systems. I can also understand the code & read from here and there but the thing is I want to make most of my time. Reading books are best for this.

From my search I found that these two books

  1. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System
  2. "Unix Internals: The New Frontiers" by Uresh Vahalia (also see 2nd Edition

are like established books on UNIX OS internals. But the thing is these books are pretty much outdated.

yay!! Lucky me. "Unix Internals: The New Frontiers" by Uresh Vahalia 2 edition (Jan 2010) is released. I've been search for information on this book. Sadly, Amazon says "Out of Print--Limited Availability" & I couldn't find any info regarding this book. This is the information I'm looking for:

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Whats new in this edition?
  3. Where the hell can I buy soft-copy of this book? I really cannot afford buying a hardcopy.
  4. How can I contact the author?

I've lot of hopes & expectations on this book. I've been waiting for its release for a long time. I've sent random mails to & & requesting to have a proper website for this book. I even contacted publisher for any further information but no replies from any one.

If you have any other books that you think will help me. I again repeat, I want to get max possible out of these 2.5 months summer.


I contacted the publishers and they said that "Unfortunately, This book is cancelled".


Another one line reply from the publishers that "This book is cancelled. This means that the book won’t be published."

Follow up of this question:


All the signs are that the new edition of this book has actually not yet been released by the publishers yet. The Jan 2010 date is probably just a publisher's projected release date, and these can be wildly optimistic.

If and when the new edition of the book becomes available, Amazon will most likely put up the table of contents, and the book will show up on other online bookstores as well.

If you are really desperate, you could try talking to the publishers. But I don't rate your chances of getting any useful information from them.

How can I contact the author?

Surely you don't need to ask that? :-)

Stephen C
@Stephen C: I contacted the publishers I got a one line reply from them saying "Unfortunately, This book is cancelled". What the hell does that mean? I won't be published ever? or It'll be published after few months?
@claws - it means what it says. The book might never be published, or it might be published sometime in the future. Since the publishers did not say anything about why it was cancelled, it is impossible to tell. But don't hold your breath waiting ...
Stephen C
@claws - So, my prediction about the publisher not providing useful information was spot on!
Stephen C