




Hello friends,

I have four TabBarItem (TTTabItem) in a TabBar (TTTabBar). In one case, i want to remove the TabBarItem selection from any of the four TabBarItems (TTTabItem) . i.e., the complete TabBar will not show any TabBarItems selected. Can i achieve it?

I tried the following, [_tabBar1 setSelectedTabItem:nil];

But it is crashing.

Could someone guide me to resolve this?

I need help urgently.


If we clicked on one TabBarItem(TTTabItem), then again clicking on same TabBarItem(TTTabItem) will not call/execute anything right. Can i make it always clicking on a TabBarItem, should call "(void)tabBar: (UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item" (or) any other relevant system functions?

I need your helps urgently, could someone guide me for my issue?

Thank you.