I have created a pkg for my regular simple commands. They are non-static, to be more extensible, but somewhat more time-consuming to use because of creating object to use one. My other classes use them.
$ ls *.java
CpF.java IsBinary.java RmLn.java Tools.java
F2S.java IsRoot.java SaveToDisk.java WordCount.java
Filters.java ModRelativePaths.java SetWord.java WordNumber.java
Find.java powerTools.java Sort.java
Which option would you choose to use them easier?
- to develop a small interface like 'powerTools.java' for the pkg.
- to create a class with static methods for them.
- to add a static method to each class
- to stop overusing 'creating too many files' and centralising some?
- sthing else?
Static VS object-discussion
- How can you get outside methods work like in their own classes without referencing them with their class-name? Not class_name.method(), just method(). Outside methods are from separate pkgs.
Code not Working with Import-static with my class and Pkg
$ cat Test.java
import static a.*;
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
$ cat a/Hello.java
import java.io.*;
public class Hello
public static printHello(){System.out.println("Hello");}
$ javac Test.java
Test.java:1: cannot find symbol
symbol: class a
import static a.*;
Test.java:7: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable a
location: class Test
2 errors
$ sed -i '[email protected]@printHello@g' Test.java
$ javac Test.java
Test.java:1: cannot find symbol
symbol: class a
import static a.*;
Test.java:7: cannot find symbol
symbol : method printHello()
location: class Test