



I like Data::Alias. It seems to be broken in 5.12. Can it be fixed? Will it be fixed soon? Is there any nice alternative?

+8  A: 

I suggest filing a bug on CPAN. If someone sees the problem, it's much more likely to be fixed.

In fact, it looks like someone else has seen this problem, too! I suggest hitting up the Perl 5 Porters mailing list, and seeing if anyone there can help.

As an interesting side note, it seems like being able to do aliases may be coming to Perl as a language feature in the future, with the cleanup of := no longer meaning an empty attribute list. Look forward to it! :)

Robert P
I thought everything in CPAN was automatically tested against the 5.12 release candidates? Perhaps there wasn't a unit test that covered this case in the distribution, in which case reporting the bug will ensure that it never gets broken again. :)
@Ether: Judging by the thread on rt this isn't a bug; the module's XS code was broken by a change to the internals. As for testing release candidates against CPAN, I don't know but it wouldn't seem to useful unless you did a matrix comparison to the results for the previous version of perl on the same platform. Lots of modules on CPAN have failures, that doesn't mean that 5.12 broke them. :)
Michael Carman
rafl took a look at it for me a few weeks ago and said it wouldn't be too hard to fix (that's "too hard" for rafl). He's supposed to do that so Method::Signatures can work in 5.12.
Testing everything in CPAN isn't the same as everything in CPAN passing its tests. :)
brian d foy
+4  A: 

The module hasn't been updated since 2007 but you can always send a message to the author (Matthijs van Duin: [email protected]) or file a bug report as Robert mentioned in his answer.

Here are some alternatives:

  • As far as additional CPAN modules for aliasing that work in 5.12+:

    And searching for 'alias' on CPAN turns up a few more, none seem to provide the "do everything with aliases in this statement" feature of Data::Alias though. So until Data::Alias is fixed, you can use one of the above, or the following pure Perl methods:

  • Perl has built in support for aliasing any variable to variables that exist in the symbol table. This is done as follows:

    my $x = 1;
    our $y; # declare $y in the symbol table for the current package
        local *y = \$x;  # make $y an alias of $x in the current scope
    print $x;  # prints 2

    But as always, be aware of what dynamic scope / local actually does before using it.

  • A lexical scalar can be used as an alias within the scope of a for loop:

    my $x = 1;
    for my $y ($x) {
    print $x;  # prints 2

    this type of lexical alias can even be passed out of the loop in a closure if needed

  • You can create array aliases using Perl's aliasing magic for subroutine argument lists:

    my $x = 1;
    my $alias = sub{\@_}->($x); # return a reference to its argument list, 
                                # which maintains its aliases
    print $x;     # prints 2

    but that doesn't really give you any more functionality than references, just with a different syntax.

  • And an example using Perl's references:

    my $x = 1;   
    my $y = \$x;  # take a reference to $x
    $$y++;        # dereference $y
    print $x;     # prints 2 
Eric Strom
A reference isn't the same thing as an alias. The examples you show are a limited subset of what Data::Alias does.
brian d foy
@brian d foy => the reference example is there to show an alternative, the other two examples are the remainder of the pure Perl aliasing techniques that I know of. these are of course a limited subset otherwise Data::Alias probably wouldn't have been written. the OP asked for alternatives
Eric Strom
also, a reference is exactly the same thing as an alias, just in different clothes. to alias something, you place a reference to it into the appropriate slot in a variable's type glob. Whatever sigil you use with the typeglob label tells Perl to dereference it, so `$y` reads as "a scalar dereference of the typeglob labeled y". and there's always the `*foo{THING}` syntax if you want to be verbose about it, in this case `${*y{SCALAR}}++;`
Eric Strom
Aliases work with more than just package variables.
brian d foy
again, I NEVER said all the functionality of `Data::Alias` could be recreated without it. do you actually have a problem with anything i wrote in my answer? (also, the `for my $y ($x) {return sub {$y++}}` construct creates a lexical alias, admittedly in a limited context)
Eric Strom
It's not clear from the documentation of `Lexical::Alias` and `Variable::Alias` whether they support things like `alias my $x => $array[5]`. That is, can I declare variables as I alias them, and can I create aliases to elements of a collection? These are two of the nice features of `Data::Alias`.
Ryan Thompson
@Ryan Thompson => in modern versions of perl, that syntax should work with either module. Those modules flip the args though `alias $array[5] => my $y;` but you could always wrap it in a sub to flip it around.
Eric Strom

I just found another potential option: Scalar::Alias, which seems to work in Perl 5.12. Obviously, it only aliases scalars, but it doesn't require a fat comma in place of an equals sign.

Ryan Thompson