
Is there anything exciting in perl 5.11 (to become perl 5.12)?

Perl 5.11 is now released! Is there anything really exciting in this release, or is it mostly maintenance patches? (From what I've read so far, it appears to be a rollup of improvements we have already seen in prior releases.) the CHANGES file Jesse Vincent's announcement chromatic's blog post 5.11 is the development release of what...

What are the most interesting/useful new things in Perl 5.12?

I remember quickly adopting given .. when, say, //, and the smart matching operator when Perl 5.10 came around. What do you consider the most useful fixes and features introduced with Perl 5.12.0? ...

How can I create a qr// in Perl 5.12 from C?

This has been working for me in 5.8 and 5.10, but in 5.12 my code creates this weird non-qr object: # running "print Dumper($regex)" $VAR1 = bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'Regexp' ); Whereas printing a qr// not created by my code looks like this: # running "print Dumper(qr/foo/i)" $VAR1 = qr/(?i-xsm:foo)/; My code is basically: REGEXP...

How can I get a working Data::Alias in Perl 5.12?

I like Data::Alias. It seems to be broken in 5.12. Can it be fixed? Will it be fixed soon? Is there any nice alternative? ...