What are the best freely available AI resources that I can find online? I'm looking for blogs, books or tutorials.
Online Course Material
There is a sizable amount of great free course material on artificial intelligence and its subfields. Here's a list of courses from Stanford that include video lectures, handouts/notes, and assigments:
- Oussama Khatib's Introduction to Robotics
- Chris Manning's Natural Language Processing
- Andrew Ng's Machine Learning
Some of the materials from MIT's Artificial Intelligence course are available through OpenCourseWare, including the assignments, the exams and the solutions for both.
Interesting AI related blogs include:
- John Langford's Machine Learning (Theory)
- Hal Daume's NLPers, a Natural Language Processing Blog
- Brendan O'Connor's AI and Social Science
If you're looking for a good quick reference, Wikipedia has fairly comprehensive coverage of various Artificial Intelligence topics.
The best resource is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. The book is free at your local library. The code is freely available on the website (Lisp, Python, and Java).
If you can't take the time to read a book, then I suggest that maybe you don't have the time to learn AI.
It takes careful thought to understand these, often highly complex, algorithms. You will not learn AI algorithms from a 15-minute online tutorial.