



Aim: To have own OpenId provider connected with self-hosted Wordpress blog, so Wordpress admin could use his OpenId to login to Admin Panel, and also to comment other blogs with this OpenId.

Blog address: OpenId provider: /id/ OpenId created: same as blog address

WP Plugins used:

WP-Yadis 1.2.1

XRDS-Simple 1.0

OpenId 3.3.2

I have installed phpMyId as OpenId provider. I have managed to connect created OpenId and management panel login, so Admin could login to management panel with created OpenId.

However, i can't use this OpenId anywhere else, not on blogspot, not on other wordpress blogs etc.


There do seem to be some issues with the phpmyid implementation. I installed it on my blog actually, but I could not use it here on stackoverflow last time I tried (admittedly, about a year ago) and had to use my google openid.

Joel Martinez
most strange thing, is that when i were writing question here, i've wrote that created OpenId (i didn't have account on stackoverflow before), and it works here. But not on other blogs.
Valerii Shypunov
also, i'm not sure, if reason is in the phpMyId, as i could use that OpenId with /id/index.php (place, where phpMyId installed). But, that variant is not that good, because after i will comment some blog, link will go to 'mysite/id/index.php' instead of 'mysite'
Valerii Shypunov
That can easily be rectified by putting the following meta tags in your blog's home page:<link rel="openid.server" href=""><link rel="openid.delegate" href="">Then you can just use "" as your openid URL. This also has the benefit of letting you change your openid provider in the future ;-)
Joel Martinez