
Apache Redirect only when entering a password

I setup phpMyID on one of my machines, and I'm trying to get apache to redirect to HTTPS only when a password is being submitted. I am doing this as my original setup of redirecting all openid traffic didn't work stackoverflow doesn't like my self signed certificate. This is the new rule I've written, but its not working: RewriteRule ...

Setting up a personal OpenID for myself

For a few years I've had my personal OpenID set up at my domain, The script is something called PHPMyID. Problem is, it's sometimes buggy and won't let me log in. Is there a solution for making a personal OpenID (on my own domain) that you can recommend, and that has an easy setup and requires zero maintenance? ...

how could i make working self-hosted openid provider, connected to wordpress

Aim: To have own OpenId provider connected with self-hosted Wordpress blog, so Wordpress admin could use his OpenId to login to Admin Panel, and also to comment other blogs with this OpenId. Blog address: OpenId provider: /id/ OpenId created: same as blog address WP Plugins used: WP-Yadis 1.2.1 XRDS-Simple 1....

Running my own OpenID identity server/service (php)

i need to provide openid service to users on my domain. They all have unique subdomains such as: and i want them to use as their openid identity... I read this - - but it looks like its for (a) ONE user and (b) I need to have an existing myopenid/similar account....

phpmyid authentication not work

Hi! I can't log neither to stackoverflow with phpmyid running on my server, nor to my own janrain rpx server. The error: Unable to log in with your OpenID provider:Error occurred while sending a direct message or getting the response. I see this in my phpmyid log: Run mode: associate at: 1285002110 Request params Array ( ...