




Can someone help me please with my problem. I dont know very good about html i have found some code to solve it but i cant use them i dont know where exactly to form them. I want to make the imcage fit to each users resolution and dont appears right and down of their screen white boxes. I want to fit 100% in window. I hope you understand what i mean. My code is this.

BODY {background-image: url(bg_body.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; }

i hope you can help me thanks in advance

+2  A: 

Is this what you are looking for?

<img src='whatever.png' style='width: 100%; height: 100%' />

This will make the image fill its parent container.

George Edison
<style><!--BODY {background-image: url(bg_body.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; }--></style> this is my code. Can you aply george please to this
@giogram: Change it to: `<style> <!-- body { margin: 0px; } --> </style>` and stick `<img src='whatever' style='width: 100%; height: 100%;' />` where you want the image to go. (Don't forget to replace `whatever` with the filename of the image.)
George Edison
thanks a lot george problem solved
do you have msn or skype or smth to speak live....i want to ask some think more if you can tell me
If you have something more to ask, please post another question. Then copy and paste the link here.
George Edison

A new problem appears with your code. It works perfectly but the img is not set us background and the table i have appears down of the img i cant make it appears on the img. I think i must edit this code and put to not reapet and fit to window. Can you help on this code please?

@giogram: Yes. I would be glad to help you if you post this as a new question.
George Edison
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785624/table-and-background-img-problem here is the new question