




I have succesfully built Qwt 5.2.1 for use with Qt 4.6.2 on the Win32 platform. I can create and build projects in VS 2005 without problem.

However I also want to use Qwt on a Windows Mobile 6.0 platform and I simply cannot get this to work. I have tried a shared build of Qt and Qwt, then using the QWT_DLL preprocessor command and the qwt5.lib in the link definitions. I have tried a static build of Qt and Qwt, using no QWT_DLL command and the qwt.lib link. I have tried all combinations of these, in both release and debug mode, but get repeated link errors like:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual void __cdecl QwtDial::drawContents(class QPainter *)const " (?drawContents@QwtDial@@MBAXPAVQPainter@@@Z)

Any hints about what is going wrong, do I need some particular options set for the Qwt build to get it to link with Windows Mobile projects??

Any help greatly appreciated, this is driving me crazy! Jake