Hi, I am using the timed_wait from boost C++ library and I am getting a problem with leap seconds.
Here is a quick test:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
int main(){
// Determine the absolute time for this timer.
boost::system_time tAbsoluteTime = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(35000);
bool done;
boost::mutex m;
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(m);
done = true;
std::cout << "timed out";
return 1;
The timed_wait function is returning 24 seconds earlier than it should. 24 seconds is the current amount of leap seconds in UTC.
So, boost is widely used but I could not find any info about this particular problem. Has anyone else experienced this problem? What are the possible causes and solutions?
Notes: I am using boost 1.38 on a linux system. I've heard that this problem doesn't happen on MacOS.
UPDATE: A little more info: This is happening on 2 redhat machines with kernel 2.6.9. I have executed the same code on an ubuntu machine with kernel 2.6.30 and the timer behaves as expected.
So, what I think is that this is probably being caused by the OS or by some mis-set configuration on the redhat machines.
I have coded a workaround that adjusts the time to UTC and than get the difference from this adjustment and add to the original time. This seens like a bad idea to me because if this code is executed on a machine without this problem, it might be 24s AHEAD. Still could not find the reason for this.