



I am working on a problem that I'm certain someone has seen before, but all I found across the net was how not to do it.

Fake table example and dynamic searching. (Due to my low rating I cannot post images. I know I should be ashamed!!)

Clicking the add button automatically creates another row for adding more criteria choices.

(Note: My table is most definitely more complex)

Now to my issue, I thought I knew how to handle the SQL for this task, but I really don't. The only examples of what I should do are not meant for this sort of dynamic table querying. The examples didn't have the ability to create as as many search filters as a user pleases (or perhaps my understanding was lacking).

Please let me know if my uploaded image is not of good enough quality or if I have not given enough information.

I'm really curious about the best practice for this situation. Thank you in advance.


Two main choices:

Linq to Sql allows you to compose a query, add to it, add to it again, and it won't actually compile and execute a SQL statement until you iterate the results.

Or you can use dynamic SQL. The trick to making this easy is the "WHERE (1=1)" technique, but you do have to be careful to use parameters (to avoid SQL injection attacks) and build your sql statements carefully.

Neil Barnwell
Your second statement is my current approach. I am currently using outer join on tables that may or may not be necessary and concocting a where class that will search in those tables to see if there is a matching ID. Problem is I need the separate AND/OR/NOT to be able to parse multiple rows of these joined tables and it won't find multiple rows. I was going to switch to using 'IN' but everyone seems to think dynamic sql with IN is bad practice.

Check out this utility for Dynamic SQL:

Max Toro
+1  A: 

I had a similar question. You can use dynamic sql with the sp_executesql stored proc where you actually build your select statement as a string and pass it in.

Or you might be able to write a stored proc kinda like the one I created where you have all of the conditions in the where clause but the NULL values are ignored.

Here's the stored proc I came up with for my scenario:

The advantage with the parameterized stored proc I wrote is that I'm able to avoid the SQL injection risks associated with dynamic SQL.

Steve Wortham
Wow.. very detailed post. I was tasked with another item so I'll have to get back to the actual implementation of it. Seems like there isn't a one size fits all for this situation. I need the dynamic capability of multiple table searches based on the possibilities or I'd also go with a SPROC. I parametrize all my queries so there aren't any chances of SQL Injection. Thanks for the heads up. I really enjoyed reading through your post. I will let you know how it turns out.