



Hello, I am trying to hit a breakpoint that appears early in the code, but gdb (ddd) misses it each time. At first I thought it was because of templates, but gdb seems to cope with that. I'm guessing the problem is that the choice of which function to execute (here, doit), is only known at execution time ("function pointers"), but judge by yourself :

int main(int argc,const char **argv)
   ABM proc(params...);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

And the main code where I want my breakpoint is :

template <class T>
bool doit( Process & process, const string & fileinr, Finder & )

The link between the two is somewhere here : ABM, which is a child of Process, contains the following code in it's (only) constructor :

registerProcessType( "Volume", "S8", &doit<int8_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "U8", &doit<uint8_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "S16", &doit<int16_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "U16", &doit<uint16_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "S32", &doit<int32_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "U32", &doit<uint32_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "FLOAT", &doit<float> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "DOUBLE", &doit<double> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "RGB", &doit<int16_t> );
registerProcessType( "Volume", "RGBA", &doit<int16_t> );

Process' execute function is given below :

bool Process::execute( const string & filename )
 Finder    f;
 if( !f.check( filename ) )
     throw format_error( filename );
     return( false );
 return( execute( f, filename ) );

bool Process::execute( Finder & f, const string & filename )
 string    otype = f.objectType();
 string    dtype = f.dataType();

 map<string, map<string, ProcFunc> >::const_iterator   
   ip = _execs.find( otype );
 if( ip == _execs.end() )
     throw datatype_format_error( string( "unsupported data type " )                       + otype + " / " + dtype, filename );
     return( false );
 map<string, ProcFunc>::const_iterator  ip2 = (*ip).second.find( dtype );
 if( ip2 == (*ip).second.end() )
     // Try alternate data types
     vector<string>    posstypes = f.possibleDataTypes();
     unsigned        i, n = posstypes.size();

     for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
    if( posstypes[i] != dtype )
        ip2 = (*ip).second.find( posstypes[i] );
        if( ip2 != (*ip).second.end() )
        // force new datatype into finder
        f.setDataType( posstypes[i] );
     if( i == n )
      throw datatype_format_error( string( "unsupported data type " )                      + otype + " / " + dtype, filename );
      return( false );

 //    execute process function
 return( (*ip2).second( *this, filename, f ) );

So is there anyway to tell gdb that I don't wan't a breakpoint relative to a linenumber in a source file or a simple function name but to the instance of the right function, or maybe to use brutal memory addresses.... anyway something to avoid stepping into the code 50000 times. Any ideas?

Thanks, If you need more info/I have missed some rules please don't hesitate to ask, Anton Moukharski