



set<int> s;


I wonder how much time it takes for s.find(k) where k is a number from 1..n? I assume it is log(n). Is it correct?

+7  A: 

O( log N ) to search for an individual element.

§23.1.2 Table 69

expression  return            note                                   complexity
a.find(k)   iterator;         returns an iterator pointing to an     logarithmic
            const_iterator    element with the key equivalent to k, 
            for constant a    or a.end() if such an element is not 
David Rodríguez - dribeas

ok never mind. I found it on the internet. it is nlog(n). http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/find/

I'm trying to think in practice, when is good to use set? for most of the time, I think vector and map can be able to do the job. Does anybody have any idea?

This is wrong. That page itself says "logarithmic in size" which is to say O(log n). **Not** O(n log n). Also, be careful about that site; while it's pretty complete it does have some mis-information.
Just so there's no confusion, finding a **single** element is `O(log n)`. Finding all `n` is `O(n log n)`. A set is much better if you need faster worst-case insertions, deletions and searches.
A map is a set with a key and a value, whereas the set is only a key. A lookup in a map is O(log n), not O(n log n), and a vector search is linear. So if you have 1000 items in a set/map it will take, on average, 33 comparisons, whereas a vector search will take, on average, 500 comparisons.
Logarithmic means `O( log N )`, not `O( N log N )`. If you want to ask something else, ask another question. (Or better search for it, it most probably has been asked before)
David Rodríguez - dribeas
I think the downvoters are jumping the gun here. The OP asked `wonder how much time it takes for s.find(k) where k is a number from 1..n? I assume it is nlog(n). Is it correct?`. He said `k` is **from 1 to n**, not between, so he probably meant doing it for all values of `k`.
@IVlad: 'finding all n' can be confusing. Iterating over all elements in the set takes linear time. It is performing N searches takes `N O( log N )` or `O( N log N )`
David Rodríguez - dribeas
I don't think it would be phrased that way. Certainly you would say **for all** k from 1 to n? Either way, a correct answer would point out that each lookup takes O(log n) as to be unambiguous.
@joel: how do you come to 33 comparisons? log2(1000) = 10, not 33. The average case will even be a little bit lower than 10.
@IVlad: And if it is for all k from 1 to n, then the answer is linear time `O( N )`, transversing a set in order takes linear time (basically for each edge in the tree you transverse it twice, once going down, then again going up)
David Rodríguez - dribeas
@David - not if you use the `find` method. I agree that the question is badly phrased though.
Bah, you are correct. My apologies. Still an order of magnitude less than 500
@joel: in reality, the worst case will typically be about 1 *greater* than the base 2 logarithm -- in a normal case, the tree won't be perfectly balanced. A typical "balanced" tree like AVL or R-B will allow a one sub-tree to be roughly 1 higher than the other.
Jerry Coffin
Actually, a RB tree allows the path length to get twice as long as the shortest path. However. the point is the orders of magnitude, not the exact numbers.