



What is an easy way to list the foreign key contraints in an MDB?

Is there a system table that can be queried in order to list this information?

Specifically, I need to know whether any foreign key contraints exist in the MDB.


Open up Relationships window (Tools > Relationships or use the Relationships toolbar button). In that window, right click > click "Show All". This adds all tables to the window and all relationships are represented by lines/arrows.

Salman A

Take a look at the results of select * from MSysRelationships.

Alex K.
How do I get read permissions for this table?
Craig Johnston
You should be able to select it directly in a new query
Alex K.
The response from the query is that I don't have read permissions.
Craig Johnston

Or you can examine the relationships collection of the database object:

  Public Sub PrintRelationships()
    Dim varItem As Variant
    Dim varItem2 As Variant

    For Each varItem In CurrentDb.Relations
      Debug.Print varItem.Name
      Debug.Print " " & varItem.Table
      Debug.Print " " & varItem.ForeignTable
      For Each varItem2 In varItem.Fields
        Debug.Print ": " & varItem2.Name
      Next varItem2
    Next varItem
  End Sub

There are other properties that might be of interest. Also, an MS Knowledge Base article on copying relationships may give you some ideas.
