I'm looking to populate an NSPopupButton with the contents of two NSArrayControllers. The NSArrayControllers are both bound to my Core Data Managed Object Context and represent separate entities (in this example: Person and Department).
Within my NSPopupButton, I would like a list of departments, and the people that work under them. Like so:
Department 1
Person 1
Person 2
Department 2
Person 3
Person 4
All departments would need to be disabled by default, meaning that users should only be able to select people listed within the dropdown.
I'm lost as to how I would go about doing something like this. The concept of manually populating an NSPopupButton seems fairly trivial, but I'm a bit shaky as to best to populate the element with Core Data objects.
Essentially, I'm just looking for someone to point me in the right direction. I imagine there's a right way to do this, and a number of very wrong ways.