



Hi Folks,

Does anybody have a DSA worked example with simple values on how to calculate r,s and verify v == r. As this standard has been around awhile and is implemented in librarys e.g. the Java Cryptography Extension I'm finding it very hard to find an example of how the algorithm works.

Compute r=(gk mod p) mod q 
Compute s=(k-1 * (x * r + i)) mod q 
Verifying a signature; again i is the input, and (r,s) is the signature. 

u1 = (s-1 * i) mod q 
u2 = (s-1 * r) mod q 
v = ((gu1 * yu2) mod p) mod q 
If v equals r, the signature is valid.


+3  A: 

There's a worked example at the end of the standard that defines DSA, FIPS 186.

Andrew McGregor
@Andrew - Unfortunately I'm just looking for a very simople version so I can figure out the maths behind it
David Relihan
That's as simple as it gets. Seriously, it's not complicated.
Andrew McGregor