I built a rad slider module. Then I built a template that I am going to use as a base for more projects, and I know I will use my slider module most of the time. Is there a way, other than tearing apart the modules and re-coding it all into the template, to "package" the module with a template? Like the HTML overrides do, but adding the functionality instead of overriding existing? Does this make sense? Thanks!
Sorry, I can't get the point, can't you simply use
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="xxxxx" />
into the template ?
2010-05-10 04:11:36
Well the module operates differently, has to call the helper function, then the layout template and all that.
2010-05-10 04:15:42
@thatryan: sorry, I forgot to use the code tagging and a part of the answer wasn't visible.
2010-05-10 04:46:05