



Hi All,

Has anybody installed git and ControlControl and got CruiseControl to pull from GitHub on a window 2003 server.

I keep getting 'public key errors (access denied)' - Which is good i suppose as that confirms git is talking to GitHub.
However what is not good is that I don't not know where to install the rsa keys so they will be picked up by the running process (git in the context of

Any help would save me a lot of hair!

I have tried installing the keys into;

c:\Program Files\Git.ssh 

Whereby running git bash and cd ~ take me to: c:\Program Files\Git

Current error from is Error Message:

  Source control operation failed: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: 
  The remote end hung up unexpectedly . 
  Process command: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe fetch origin

Thanks in advance

+1  A: 

It really depends on the actual user declared on the CruiseControl service to execute the jobs.

Considering the error message "Permission denied (publickey)" is usually caused by ssh keys not found in %HOME%/.ssh.

So even if cd ~ leads you to one directory, that may be not the one used by the CruiseControl process.
