



Ok, this is for homework about hashtables, but this is the simple stuff I thought I was able to do from earlier classes, and I'm tearing my hair out. The professor is not being responsive enough, so I thought I'd try here.

We have a hashtable of stock objects.The stock objects are created like so:

stock("IBM", "International Business Machines", 2573, date(date::MAY, 23, 1967))

my constructor looks like:

stock::stock(char const * const symbol, char const * const name, int sharePrice, date priceDate): m_symbol(NULL), m_name(NULL), sharePrice(sharePrice), dateOfPrice(priceDate)

and setSymbol looks like this: (setName is indentical):

void stock::setSymbol(const char* symbol)  
if (m_symbol)  
    delete [] m_symbol;  
m_symbol = new char[strlen(symbol)+1];  

and it refuses to allocate on the line

m_symbol = new char[strlen(symbol)+1];

with a std::bad_alloc. name and symbol are declared

char * m_name;  
char * m_symbol;

It's definitely strlen() that is going astray. And it doesn't seem to happen every time.

cout << symbol << strlen(symbol); 

returns IBM correctly, then crashes

+1  A: 

As this is tagged C++ can you use std::string instead of doing all the pointer maintenance yourself on char*?

std::string name;
std::string symbol

Then setSymbol becomes easy:

void stock::setSymbol(const char* symbol)  
    this->symbol = symbol;
Mark B
Unfortunately, it's homework and I can't
I do so hate it when C++ teachers demand that students use the C way of doing things, for no reason other than that the teacher is a C programmer wearing a hat that says `++`. It is certainly valuable to know how strings work, but when it impedes understanding of other concepts, there is no sanity in demanding it.
Jon Purdy
@Quandrum: It might be easier to do the conversion just to see if it fixes the current bug, and then switch back.
+1  A: 

There must be some problem with symbol parameter at the time you call

new char[strlen(symbol)+1];

and strlen return a huge length that C++ runtime is unable to allocate. If symbol is uninitialized char* pointer at the beginning this is fairly possible. It doesn't fail all the time, does it?

I guess having the variables the same name is confusing. The symbol in strlen(symbol) is the function parameter, which points to the string "IBM" at this point.this->symbol is a class variable, which is a null pointer at this point.However, it doesn't fail all the time. You are correct.
A silly question (I would test If I had a compiler at hand but right now I don't) : is it possibel that the 'symbol' parameter and the 'symbol' instance variable somehow gets mixed up ? So at runtime strlen would run on a non-initialized string and give a bogus length ... Intuitively, you would think the compiler canno't be fooled, but with C++, you never know ;)
@phtrivier: Not a silly question. This problem is called variable shadowing:
Emile Cormier
@emile : thanks for the link... as you pointed elsewhere, that's the kind of errors you transparently get rid of by using different naming conventions for member / static / local variables ... but then *choosing* a convention opens the door to endless trolls ;)

I was able to run the code without problems on Cygwin, so I'd guess it's something implementation-dependent in distinguishing the parameter symbol from the member symbol.

You say yourself that it's confusing -- well do something about it!!! And may I suggest, never, ever again, naming a parameter the same as a local/member variable. (Not only does it eliminate confusion, you won't need to disambiguate the member variable with this->.)

Paul Richter
Mine runs without problems sometimes... even after I changed variable names to make it none confusing.
haha, not so confusing. Brain fried.

Thanks to everyone who offered help. I went over it with my professor, and unfortunately I was overflowing an array earlier and corrupting the heap, which was manifesting itself here.

This was a good conversation for me though. It helped me think through some things I had just been doing. So thanks again SO'ers
