



Currently I have an application that runs at startup when a user log's in to the account (administrative), as well as something under HKLM...\Run which is also executed - but I need to run something once and BEFORE both these things are executed.

My solution was to use HKLM...\RunOnce which is executed before the HKLM...\Run but the task can take 30-45 seconds which gives enough time for the user Startup to be executed and launch the application prematurely.

I thought of maybe including a SLEEP but RunOnce doesn't block the user account load... Then I considered the group policies but they do not have a RunOnce equivalent that I can use... Also I am not sure if Group Policy is run at the right time (never used it before).

Is there anyway to make my RunOnce delay the account startup of my application, or a better place where I can execute it before both HKLM...\Run and user Startup? Or any recommended alternatives?

Any ideas or help would be much appreciated... Thanks,


Do you actually need to delay user login or you just need to delay the secondary applications? Assuming the latter you can use a Mutex to synchronize the separate processes. The first can declare and acquire a named mutex. The later processes can block wait on the mutex.

True - I only need to delay the second application from starting ... My problem is that I cannot change the second application itself (Startup launches an EXE and this cannot be changed nor can the exe be modified to "wait" on the mutex).
@Shaitan00, you can create a wrapper app for the 2nd app which waits on the mutex and when acquired launches the original 2nd app.
I don't think - I've been told that I cannot touch the STARTUP of the user is anyway (as it would require customer re-certification).
@Shaitan00, sounds like you have a requirements/management problem, not a real technical problem.
That depends, is there no way to delay user login until RunOnce has completed? Or is there somewhere other then RunOnce where I can ensure my task is performed before HKLM\...\Run and user account startup?