


+1  Q: 

Canvas Animation

I'm making a graph script using canvas, i'm adding animation to a chart but i don't like the way that it's look, i use setInterval for X function adding height to a rectangle to make a bar chart for example, but i wanna an animation more fluid, is another way to do an animation?


I'm assuming that you have rectangles of initial height 0, and you're increasing height per interval until you reach a set point... and that you want to make the animation "smoother"?

To make it more fluid, you just lower the 2nd parameter of setInterval [delay] so that the first parameter [function to call] is called more...

In addition, you can add a tween with a slowdown at the end by using the formula
rect.h = (rect.h*N+targetHeight)/(N+1)... where N > 1...
So that initially, the bar grows by a lot and then eventually slows down growth to the target height.
