




Hello everyone,

I am using MacBook Pro Mac OS 10.5 with related version of XCode. I am new to this development environment. I am learning macports, and I read information about macports from http://www.macports.org/. But I am still confused what macports is after reading information from this site.

I am previous working on Windows and Linux, could anyone let me know what macports is (in easy words) and what is the similar item on Windows/Linux?

thanks in avdance, George

+1  A: 

It is just a convenient way to install a lot of *nix soft on your mac book. They are installed separately (not overwriting) from binaries/daemons/libs already installed on your mac (by default in folder /opl/local). Also they are much fresher than those installed on your mac.

For example 10.6 ships with bash 3.2, but after running sudo port install bash, you will get version 4.x (to make it your default shell add /opt/local/bin/bash to file /private/etc/shells, run chsh -s /opt/local/bin/bash and reopen terminal).

Note other os x package managers: fink and homebrew (superuser question)

Could I understand it as a software install/uninstall/manage platform/framework? Similar tool like RPM package manager on Linux?
I am confused about the term "port" in macports, does it mean macports install software package ported from other platform to mac OS?
Yes it is install/uninstall/manage tool, like rpm/yum/apt…
How about your answer to my second comments? :-)
os x is *nix. And every port is a script telling which other ports should be installed, where to get source code and how to run make script (though not it is not always make :) ). Most ports are not ported, they are just compiled as on any other *nix system, though source code can contain conditional comments for mac os x
Cool, thanks! :-)
+1  A: 

macports is a way of getting executables and other compiled code installed on your computer without having to work out the details of compiling/linking each apllication.

It is equivalent to a package manager under Linux and other Unicies. There is no direct equivalent under Windows.

I am confused about the term "port" in macports, does it mean macports install software package ported from other platform to mac OS?
Could I understand it as a software install/uninstall/manage platform/framework? Similar tool like RPM package manager on Linux?
Yes you understand correctly
ports is the BSD name for this sort of thing - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ports_collection
You mean both of them (comments)? How do you understand the term "ports"?
ports is I suppos short for 'something ported to this OS'
But from the wiki page you recommended, seems it means software package management platform?
Yes like a package manager (or perhaps the underpinings of a package manager) But in general it is the equivalent of RPM on Linux - the details differ
Thanks, question answered!