In general I tend to comment very sparsely. I believe good code should be easy to read without much commenting.
I also version my code. I suppose I could do diffs over the last twenty checkins to see if a particular line has changed for a particular reason. But that would be a huge waste of my time for most changes.
So I try comment my code smartly. If some code is being deleted for a fairly obvious reason, I won't bother to comment the deletion. But if a piece of code is being deleted for a subtle reason (for example it performed a function that is now being handled by a different thread) I will comment-out or delete the code and add a banner comment why:
// this is now handled by the heartbeat thread
// m_data.resort(m_ascending);
// don't re-sort here, as it is now handled by the heartbeat thread
Just last month, I encountered a piece of code that I had changed a year ago to fix a particular issue, but didn't add a comment explaining why. Here is the original code:
cutoff = m_previous_cutofftime;
And here is the code as it was initially fixed to use a correct cutoff time when resuming an interrupted state:
cutoff = (!ok_during) ? m_previous_cutofftime : 0;
Of course another unrelated issue came up, which happened to touch the same line of code, in this case reverting it back to its original state. So the new issue was now fixed, but the old issue suddenly became rebroken. D'oh!
So now the checked-in code looks like this:
// this works for overlong events but not resuming
// cutoff = m_previous_cutofftime;
// this works for resuming but not overlong events
// cutoff = (!ok_during) ? m_previous_cutofftime : 0;
// this works for both
cutoff = (!resuming || !ok_during) ? m_previous_cutofftime : 0;
Of course, YMMV.