



This all seems like it should be working to me but my appended "read more" link displays as plain text instead of as a link... Any insight or help on fixing this would be awesome! My pipe can be found at:


The generated HTML in description looks good, however the Yahoo Pipes preview page strips all the HTML formatting, including the href you added.

I normally view RSS feeds in Google Reader. However Google Reader prefers to display the conetent:encoded field, which in your example, still contains the full description.

I modified your pipe to copy description to conetent:encoded:

This renders correctly in Google Reader.

Gavin Brock
Is there a way to prevent Pipes from stripping the html formatting? Solution worked nicely for RSS readers though. Thanks
I don't think so, but it's the "preview" of the pipe that is not showing the links - they are not actually stripped in the pipe.Unless you expect people to use the Pipes Preview to view your pipe output, you should be ok.
Gavin Brock