I have a column that potentially has some bad data and I can't clean it up, so I need to check for either null or empty string. I'm doing a Hibernate Criteria query so I've got the following that returns incorrectly right now:
Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Criteria myCriteria = session.createCriteria(Object);
Restrictions.eq("stringColumn", "")));
List<Objects> list = myCriteria.list();
I can't get it to properly return the results I'd expect. So as an experiment I changed the second restriction to read:
Restrictions.eq("stringColumn", "''")
And it started returning the expected results, so is hibernate incorrectly translating my empty string (e.g. "") into a SQL empty string (e.g. ''), or am I just doing this wrong?