I'm using the FBConnect library in my iPhone app, and I'm trying to create Facebook events. After getting a valid session and verifying permissions, I'm using events.create and getting what looks like a valid event ID back from FB in a success response. Oddly the event isn't showing up on my account's Events page either in current or in past events.
I thought the problem might be that the event might not include me as an attendee so I followed the successful events.create call with an events.rsvp call to set my status to "attending". That also gets back success from FB, but I'm still not seeing anything show up.
Am I missing a step? Is there something other than Create and then RSVP that I need to do, or is there an error with the api/Facebook? I don't think I'm missing any of the required fields for event creation (name and start_time) and I am populating a lot of the other fields in event_info...