Hi, I am new to working with bits & bytes in C++ and I'm looking at some previously developed code and I need some help in understanding what is going on with the code. There is a byte array and populating it with some data and I noticed that the data was being '&' with a 0x0F (Please see code snipped below). I don't really understand what is going on there....if somebody could please explain that, it would be greatly apperciated. Thanks!
//Message Definition
Byte 1: Bit(s) 3:0 = Unused; set to zero
Bit(s) 7:4 = Message ID; set to 10
Byte 2: Bit(s) 3:0 = Unused; set to zero
Bit(s) 7:4 = Acknowledge Message ID; set to 11
BYTE Msg_Arry[2];
int Msg_Id = 10;
int AckMsg_Id = 11;
Msg_Arry[0] = Msg_Id & 0x0F; //MsgID & Unused
Msg_Arry[1] = AckMsg_Id & 0x0F; //AckMsgID & Unused