I am trying to parse the XML located at this URL: http://www.iglooseat.com/gis_iphone_xml.php?zip=06488
1) This method gets invoked when the user presses a button on the Iphone to retrieve the xml data
(IBAction)getLocations:(id)sender {
NSString *urlString= [[NSString alloc]
2) This method takes the URL and performs XML parsing on the data at that URL.
(void)updateLocationsFromURL:(NSString *)urlString parseError:(NSError **)error{
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:urlString];
NSXMLParser *parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
errorConnecting = NO;
[url release];
[parser setDelegate:self];
[parser setShouldProcessNamespaces:YES];
[parser setShouldReportNamespacePrefixes:NO];
[parser setShouldResolveExternalEntities:NO];
// start the event-driven parsing operation
[parser parse];
// get NSError object if an error occured during parsing
NSError *parseError = [parser parserError];
if(parseError && error) {
*error = parseError;
NSLog(@"Error code:%d %@", parseError.code, parseError.domain);
errorConnecting = YES;
// relase from mem the parser
[parser release];
3) In the parser:didStartElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:attributes: I attempt to extract the 'state' attribute from a 'marker' element in my xml. When I use the gdb debugger to inspect the contents of attributeDict it is empty and I'm not sure why.
(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName
namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict {
if(self.parserContentOfCurrentProperty == nil) {
NSMutableString *tmp = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
self.parserContentOfCurrentProperty = tmp;
[tmp release];
[self.parserContentOfCurrentProperty setString:@""];
self.parserNameOfCurrentProperty = elementName;
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"markers"]) {
WPSite *tmp = [WPSite alloc];
self.parserCurrentSite = tmp;
// retrive value for attribute <marker ... state="value" .../></markers>
NSString *stateAttribute = [attributeDict valueForKey:@"state"];
if (stateAttribute) {
[self.parserCurrentSite setState:stateAttribute];
// add this site to the site list
[siteList addObject:self.parserCurrentSite];