



I'm currently in the process of toying with a few things at the same time: Heroku, Sinatra, HAML/SASS, and of course the glue: Ruby. I'm loving that, and it all goes well with DataMapper. However, my current "project to learn by" seems to be pretty data-intensive. Though it is also something I want to have.

I've been a bit of an amateur thoroughbred handicapper for a while now and I'm compiling a bit of statistics. Stats which I would love to be able to display on my iphone.

iPhoneUI and iPhone-Universal are great and offer wonderful CSS layout options.

But I'm looking for:

1) Advice on displaying large forms on a small screen such as the iphone. Do I break it out into sections, "tabs", etc? I'm a programmer, just not a very good visual designer. Does anyone have any sample sites I can look at?

Thanks in advance; I hope a few responses can get me through this bit of a "designers block" that I apparently seem to be stuck in.